Of Molecular Turtles and Other Oddities

Monday, February 05, 2007

I'm Ashamed To Share 1/8th of My Genes With You

I generally hate complaining and have made a point not to whine on my blog, however, today I’m breaking that rule. From now on we’ll call it a guideline and adhere to it loosely. The reason for this deviation is because I need to get some unbiased opinions on if I’m being a huge complainer or if I’m justified in feeling the way I do. So below is my rant and due to me being super irritated I’m missing out on doing my BioSummary.

The background to this tale of woe and peril begins much like most other tales of woe, with the announcement of a wedding. For the sake of this story we will call my cousin, the future groom and super Italian Guido. Now I generally dislike Guido for a multitude of reasons including the fact that he used to beat me up regularly from the ages of 6 to 17 when my family visited his house. He called the random attacks wrestling and my parents laughed it off when I complained. He was 5 years older and about 50 pounds heavier and he won every time until I reached the age of 16. At this point in time two important events happened. I hadn’t seen Guido in about 3 years in this time I hit puberty which is the source of my strength, I also started lifting weights which may have helped. Now one fateful day while he was pushing my face into the concrete I got irritated and I drew upon my puberty strength and smushed his gel soaked head into the concrete. For the first time he ended up with a bump on his head and I ended up with a smile. Needless to say the random attacks while watching movies ended.

Now fast forward 8 years. I see Guido perhaps twice I year. We share about 13 words at family functions. That is if you include words such as uhmm, hmmm and ahhh. I get a call asking if I would like to “hang out”. While hanging he manages to ask me between dude and bud to be in his wedding party. Now I dislike him and don’t see him often yet I don’t want to hurt his feelings, in other words I’m a moron. I tell him that I’m quite busy and that I won’t have time to be in the wedding party. He tells me not to worry I just have to show up for the ceremony, the rehearsal and the Jack and Jill. I tell him I have no money on account of being a student. He tells me I don’t need money. I tell him I’m not sure I’ll even have a coop position in Canada he tells me not to worry I can skip out on the Jack and Jill. At this point he say’s that it’s very important to him that I’m a part of this. I feel like I’ve run out of options and I become a super weiner and say okay.

Fast forward one year later the second time we speak in the year Guido asks my lovely lady friend and I to go out for a dinner with the wedding party. Again my Turtle sense is going mad but I ignore it and I say okay. I try to convince myself that it might be nice, that I should make an effort. I’m sure that’s what they tell people before they get lobotomies. Then the trouble begins.

The meeting place for the wedding party is at a place that is about an hours drive from where I live. Strangely it also happens to be about an hour away from where his fiancé lives. Adding further to the mystery it’s also about 45 minutes away for where he lives and is in the middle of no where. I have no idea why we need to trek so far away for wings but what the heck do I know. The godfather music comes on and I start thinking that he’s going to off me for past insults. Again I brush it off and say alright we’ll be there at 7:30. So Nikki and I set off to this place on in the middle of no where on the treacherous icy roads and get there on time. We proceed to wait for about an hour and are about to leave when the Guido crew rolls in.

Upon seeing this slack jawed, prissy, decked out in high fashion clothing to eat friken chicken wings crew roll in and I’m really pissed off. I start thanking God that I don’t share the usual 1/8 of my genes with my supposed cousin because my parents stole me as a child from an affluent Jewish family. The future Guido comes over and kisses me on both cheeks and says “I’m sorry we’re a bit late. You know the boys they have to drink”. At this point a ton of things pop into my head. I think of looking at her directly and saying, Yes, I can see why the boys HAVE TO drink. I think of saying don’t worry I think I’ll show a bit late for the wedding because I HAVE TO drink. Alas, I say okay. This is the last exchange of words we have despite her sitting directly in front of me at the table. Guido comes in and smiles and pats me on the back without apologizing and says hello. We speak for about 3 minutes about how school and how he didn’t know the place was this far then share no other words for the rest of the night (Note: shortly after we over hear the future Guido saying don’t order so and so because the last time Guido and I came here it was bad).

The Italian stallions then sit together and let the women sit together. In fact they tell the woman sitting beside her boyfriend to move to the “girls’ corner” in a scene reminiscent of a grade 8 dance floor. Now I find it hard to imagine why one would want to be as far as possible from their significant other, but perhaps it’s because I don’t have to drink to tolerate being in the same room as her. They then take ages to order trying to decipher what on earth the iconography of flames could signify in conjunction with wings.

Now for the rest of the brief evening Nikki and I are essentially ignored by every at the table. Blocks of red signify people that ignored us. The light blue is a person that spoke to me for about 5 minutes. It gets to the point were Nikki and I start making fun of the people at the table and they don’t even notice. Our jokes become more and more obnoxious and risky as time goes on. The funny part of it all is that no one at all even blinks at us at this supposed function to discuss things about the wedding. After Nikki and I finish eating I ask for our bill and we leave.

Now is it just me or does it seem idiotic to have me as part of this wedding party? Why on earth would he beg me to be in this farce? How should I deal with situation? Any advice on how to get through the Jack and Jill next week? Am I being unreasonable or is he really the prick I think he is?


At 6:14 PM, Blogger Justmee said...

He's a prick! Perhaps, since he no longer can smash your face to the cement. This is another way of attacking you. Having you do something you dont want too do. Which then makes him feel he's still able too "get to you". I for one would politely bow out of the wedding. Even if he refuses you do so. Tough shit!(excuse my french) That or not show up at all. I mean its not like you two are close or see eachother. But, why should you continue to be miserable and allow someone like this to get the best of you?
Surround yourself with people who love you, not someone that ejoys making your life miserable. And don't worry what he thinks, or feels about your reasons. Do this one thing for you!
Good luck!

At 6:33 PM, Blogger Dale said...

He's a prick. Who would be upset if you did bow out? Or might it just be enough fun to go with Nikki and enjoy all the great blog posts in the making? Family is such a mess sometimes.

At 7:11 PM, Blogger Yokooso said...

I would have stuck to my guns regardless...Don't go to the Jack and Jill...don't be a part of the wedding party, I mean what is the wedding party there for essentially anyway??? To witness the marriage that they "AGREE" with, right??? and if you don't agree with it why go and make a fool of yourself??? Hold your grounds and tell him the truth, don't be afraid of yourself or the rejection you might face from him or your family...what's most important here to you? I know I had to do this at a wedding...I didn't agree with. I was straight forward with the person and told them my view on how I saw things and why I couldn't do their request and you know what? Their marriage lasted 5 days! Can you believe it? Anyhow, hang in there...this too shall pass...just don't give up on yourself, don't be afraid of the rejection or whatever it is you feel is keeping you their at his side, unless of course you want to be a "good" example to him or something of which from the sounds of things sounds to huge of a deal that you or Nikki could handle anyway....oh wow this was a huge response~sorry you have to read so much here...but I hope I helped. AND I'M SO HAPPY that you have not switched your BLOGGER over!!! Thank-you Thank-you Thank-you! I hate that new blogger. Grrr...I can actually preview my comment here properly...thanks~

At 7:44 PM, Blogger Eve Grey said...

Holy shit, that is just weird. Straight outta the Sopranos. He sounds like a total goomba. I'd call him up & just tell him you can't be in the wedding party. Say you have to go away for work or come down with Norwalk the week of. He probably won't believe you but he'll never know for sure.

At 7:48 PM, Blogger Tumuli said...

Skip the party. After that spectacle, you don't necessarily need an explanation.

At 12:15 AM, Blogger SaM-GiRL said...

The guy seems strange. I have a number for a good pshycologist, just holla if ya need it.

At 2:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Firstly... this line:
"Now I find it hard to imagine why one would want to be as far as possible from their significant other, but perhaps it’s because I don’t have to drink to tolerate being in the same room as her." Is pure BRILLIANCE, and who would need to drink to be around Nikki?

I HATE that whole male/female split thing, but it probably helps that a lot of my friends are female, gay or straight men who are comfortable with gay men, so no one gets all testosteroney.

As for your cousin, what a wanker.

Pull out, do it as soon as you can so it does not disrupt their wedding. Can you organise a trip away for "work" (in other words a trip away with n.pea?) I GUARANTEE that you will end up shelling out money, which you have already done to go to a shit dinner where no one made you welcome.

Fuckers. (And apologies to any other Bloggers not used to my language, MT is used to it)

At 5:58 AM, Blogger Nicole said...

Yes, he's a prick. Don't be in the wedding and don't go to it either. What an ass this guy is. Walk away before it gets any worse.

At 7:07 AM, Blogger Christina_the_wench said...

Prick AND a dickhead.

Do you really need this aggravation?

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Chrissy said...

Your cousin is a prick. If you dont want to be in the wedding party, don't. It is not worth your time if you are not close with him. I do find it funny that he asked you to be in his wedding party when you arent even that close....

At 10:07 AM, Blogger Dino said...

i wouldnt be parts of it. I a mnot sure that you wouldn't get in trouble from your family but its not worth the agrevation

At 11:14 AM, Blogger BerryBird said...

I am going to hazard a guess here that you don't have very many cousins... perhaps you and Guido are the only male grandkids on that side of the family? If that is true, then him asking you to be in the wedding party almost makes sense. Because he would be doing it solely to please his parents, who think it would be some sort of grand gesture to your parents. That does not excuse Guido's rude inconsiderate boorish behavior, not by a long shot. There is no excuse for that. I don't know what a Jack and Jill is, but I wouldn't worry about that: do not go. He gave you explicit permission to skip out when you were trying to get out of this whole thing in the first place.

With regards to participating in the actual wedding, if you can get out of it without upsetting your family too much, by all means. I would be concerned about hurt feelings and family strife, though (not with Guido--who cares about him) but between you and your parents, and your parents and Guido's parents. If it is very important to your parents, it might be worth going through with. But, you shall have your revenge, do not fear... NO GIFT. Or a really shitty non-gift.

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Nik said...

The guy is a weiner, too. I mean, I could probably take him down, and without any adrenaline to back me up. That's saying something.

There is no reason a weiner should ever be able to act superior to anyone.

I think the lot of you are right on the money with your opinions.

At 12:49 AM, Blogger ROENTGEN said...

Ecco la famiglia, eh?

I think it's so funny that Italians are developing this new kind of strange, slimey dynamic in behaviour and stuff. I know pretty much Italians, my mum used to be together with a guy from sicily for about 7 years - and I only live like 2 hours away from Italy (by car).

The guy/girl thing: absolutely normal. Be glad that they don't ask you for a "hang out evening" at home. With "we have dinner and telly on" and afterwards a littel cardplay game.

But anyway. There are people that share a (let me say) more interesting, more imaginative lifestyle and this is definitely NOT how you should spend your time ;-)

How about anuther wedding present? Like a book about wildflowers or something...

(BTW: Arriving this saturday in Toronto!)

At 8:42 PM, Blogger Library Mama said...

Get out of that wedding now! I'm sure your parents will understand.

Good luck - and keep us posted.

(When is the wedding anyway?)

At 10:47 PM, Blogger S. said...

Sounds like a prick. Get through the wedding and then put the whole thing behind you!

At 5:26 PM, Blogger Gill said...

Skip the wedding.
If you can't, go and make fun of the mutants at table 9. Get loaded at the bar, and have a hillbilly good time!

At 5:27 PM, Blogger Gill said...

Skip the wedding.
If you can't, go and make fun of the mutants at table 9. Get loaded at the bar, and have a hillbilly good time!

At 2:09 AM, Blogger danner q. rockefeller said...

Sounds to me like that cousin of yours is a stand-up kind of guy, and you should be honoured, HONOURED that you get to be a part of the union of what sounds like a beautiful couple.

At 8:20 AM, Blogger Coaster Punchman said...

Here's the deal, Turtle. Your cousin is a wanker who doesn't really care that much about you, although I don't think he hates you. He's just an idiot with low to zero social skills.

Clearly he asked you to be in this wedding because his bride has a certain number of bridesmaids and she insisted on a one-for-one match. He ran out of friends (how many can someone like that have, really?) so he turned to the one male family member who might actually agree to do it.

I feel for you, Turtle. But you have to learn something through this which will help you in years to come.

If someone asks you to do something you don't want to do, and you can't come up with a plausible winning excuse on the spot, you DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER RIGHT AWAY. Tell him "that sounds great, thanks for thinking of me. I know I have some things going on and I'll have to check the calendar." Then you go home and take all the time you need to come up with a no-fail excuse on why you can't go. Having to attend a wedding of your girlfriend's relative in Europe would be a great one, for example. Or you're in a wedding of a close friend from college that same weekend and you're the best man. You get my drift.

Good luck with this. Oh, and what on earth is a "Jack and Jill?" Is that some nasty Canadian custom that I don't know about?

At 12:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! what is Jack and Jill? I forgot to ask.. I think.

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Darlene said...

I'm assuming that your prick cousin wanted some intelligence in the the cluster of idiotic dumb-asses. You will have to post pictures, because I'm visualizing some kind of 'Sopranos' party.

At 12:50 PM, Blogger Dale said...

A Jack and Jill is like a shower for both the guys and girls as opposed to a stag party for the guys and a shower for the girls. So every loser gets stuck going and making nice. It's not late MT!

At 5:24 PM, Blogger Shionge said...

Yo Sorry MT, I thought I've left a comment earlier when you post this.....it is probably too late now but I hope you did not attend the wedding and face all these crappy stuff :(

Still, Happy Valentine's Day Pal and hey, didn't know you are staying so close to Niagara Falls, I was there in Sept 2005, love it...wanna to be there again someday with my kids :D

Stay Happy Pal!

At 2:13 PM, Blogger Nik said...

Hello. :) I love you!!

At 5:10 PM, Blogger Blog said...

Now, what good is a blog if you can't have a little whine? Doesn't it suck when your relatives suck. I totally feel your pain. More than I can ever whine about on my own blog......

At 10:56 AM, Blogger My adventures said...

you agreed to do it so it really doesn't matter what a prick he is... now you have to have the integrity to stand by your word, if nothing else, let this be a lesson... i have a plaque outside my front door that says "friends always welcome, family by appointment only!!" lol... but yea, he is a prick!!


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