Of Molecular Turtles and Other Oddities

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Toronto Twits Awaken

This week marked the first real snowfall that we’re had here in Toronto. Consequently, it also marked the emergence from hibernation of the Toronto twit. I think perhaps I’m being overly judgemental but that’s why I have you folks as my panel. Think of it like American Idol but without the singing and cult like following.

Twit #1: The guy who decided that it is enough to clear off his front windshield and leave the back one with a couple of inches of snow on it. I’ve tried to reason why someone would do this and I have come up with a couple of reasons. The first is it was pretty cold so he may have been getting clever and was using the snow as an insulator. The second was he may have thought since he was going 130 km on the highway in his SUV on the snowy highway the only things he would have to watch out for was on coming objects.

Twit#2: This one’s sketchy and it’s probably just my rage that’s making me write about it. This twit’s a truck driver who I had the pleasure of driving behind. After a few days of snow fall a glacier began building on top of his truck. This glacier then proceeded to break free and smash into my windshield blinding me and almost killing me, two for the price of one. Luckily I didn’t crash into anything, but it did destroy my windshield wipers and gouged my windshield. After this I think there should be some sort of regulation to make sure truck drivers take off accumulated ice and snow from the roofs of their trailers.

Twit #3: This one is my favourite and happened at a movie theatre where my lovely gal pal and I were watching the movie The Pursuit of Happyness. This brilliant gentleman decided that he would walk into the theatre one hour and five minutes into the 1h 56 minute movie. Now he decided to sit beside Nikki and I in the seat that was occupied by our coats (which we placed there after the movie started). Now it gets even better, as Nikki is trying to arrange our coats she spills her water and saturates his would be seat. Now Nikki being the upstanding young lady that she is tells him that his seat is soaked. His response is “its okay don’t worry about it” and he sits down on the soaked seat.

Now it’s in your hands, cast your vote for who will be the ultimate twit!


Biotech Crops: On Thursday January 21 the number of biotech crops worldwide reached a record high. The countries with the most biotech crops planted per ache are the United States, Argentina and Brazil. Most of the biotech crops on the market are modified to confer resistance to pests but new crops geared toward the consumers are on the horizon. One that looks particularly promising has to do with using a gene from cauliflower to make other vegetables more nutritious.

U.S Med Schools Curb Free Lunches: A growing number of U.S med schools are cracking down on gifts from pharmaceutical companies. This crack down even includes nominal gifts like pens and pads of papers. I’d be interested to know what those of you in the field think of this.

Genetic Privacy Bill: Bush is urging Congress to pass a genetic privacy bill. The purpose of this bill is to ensure that insurance companies do not discriminate against individuals based on their genetic make up. From my perspective I think this is a great idea, it would lead to more genetically geared medicine.


At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow this is hard! Twit # 2 and 3 are pretty close...hmmm...I think I'll go with # 3 since #2 probably had no idea his trailor was like that considering the snowfall is unpredictable and all and it's probably hard to see on top the trailor too...but now #3 come on!!! what a goof ball!!! That was so rude of him, I think.

In response to your comment...ya I was feeling sick then I started feeling better and now I think b/c of this new time warped job I feel like I'm coming down with something AGAIN! Grrrumph...Let's see if I can dodge it again? Apparently, everyone there at the Bakery (I'm part of the Sanitation Crew if you hadn't heard-I work from 830pm to 530am Sun-Thurs.) has the flu, so I'll be dodging it in more ways then one...

At 7:20 PM, Blogger Dino said...

Number 2 gets my vote.

As for the lunchings and presents I hate it. When going to investigator meetings we used to get all sorts of good presents not anymore. We also used to get more food now the research people don't feed us at all and the drug reps can't do it like they used to. We are not a school but we do feel the changes.

At 7:25 PM, Blogger Justmee said...

lol My vote is for #3 You should see the twits we have here, when it rains. Ugh

At 8:39 PM, Blogger S. said...

I vote for number three, too.

And I like that there is less drug company influence in med school. I used to be involved in PharmFree through AMSA. It's harder to do than to talk about, though. And when I was hungry, I did partake in some of the free food.

Oh, and I added a hint to my last post. See if that helps...:-).

At 11:12 PM, Blogger ROENTGEN said...

I vote for No. 1. Know that perfectly. Even though we don't have any snow in Germany. Hello? Bavaria with no snow? Holy shit...

I just wondered why the Tits (I don't know Twits) are awakening now.

I'm gonna drop you a silly message when I'm Toronto - though it's not my first time there and I'm quite savvy. Well... at least around the centre ;)

At 1:07 AM, Blogger danner q. rockefeller said...

Hey, I'll play!

My vote would have to go to Twit #1 because that is just the type of ass-clown I regularly encounter in the frozen tundra that I call home. As a matter of fact, one of those very twits almost hit me two days ago on my way to work. This twit decided she was going to come into my lane. The problem was that I was right beside her, but because she had decided that simply turning on her wipers when she first got into her car would provide adequate visibility, she was unaware of my presence. Leaning on the horn did little to deter her. Fortunately, thanks to my quick reaction time and all around heads-uppedness the crisis was averted.

So yeah - Twit #1

At 3:19 AM, Blogger LaLa said...

Um, yeah #2. Because he was endangering your life and all, but # 3 is pretty fucking thick as well.

At 9:33 AM, Blogger BerryBird said...

I think I'll vote for twit #3, because their motivation is so unclear. Twits #1 and #2 are just lazy jerks. But Twit #3 is truly mysterious... why would anyone do such strange things?

At 11:09 AM, Blogger Blog said...

Twit #3! No question! Who would sit through a movie (never mind half way through) on a soaking wet seat!? That's totally twitty!

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Chrissy said...

Twit#1 is just plain stupid. He will probably roll his SUV and that will be that.

Twit#2 is lazy and he will probably have a heart attack and that will be that

Twit#3 is again, just stupid. Either he thought your g/f was really hot and having a wet bum was worth his trouble for getting to sit beside her or he just really likes having a wet bum.

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Darlene said...

Twit award goes to #3 - Asshole award goes to #2.

At 6:01 PM, Blogger Gill said...

I love the return of the twit each and every blessed Canadian winter. What is with people who forget how to drive in the snow?
Your biotech updates are great. Keep them coming!

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Gill said...

I love the return of the twit each and every blessed Canadian winter. What is with people who forget how to drive in the snow?
Your biotech updates are great. Keep them coming!

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

I vote for #3. Because,with the exception of the SUV description, it sounds like me. Oh, and I do it out of laziness, bad huh? That's probably why Husband does most of the Winter driving.

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Dale said...

I'm going with doorknob #3.

At 8:06 PM, Blogger Eve Grey said...

I vote for Twit #2.
Confession: Sometimes I am Twit #1.
Excellent news about the gifting from pharm comps.

At 1:53 PM, Blogger Nik said...

I'm pretty happy about spilling water all over that cracker's seat.

At 10:33 AM, Blogger Christina_the_wench said...

Definitely #2 since it happens to me as well.

At 10:33 AM, Blogger Christina_the_wench said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 7:38 PM, Blogger Tumuli said...

#3. He was warned.

At 9:09 PM, Blogger Nik said...

The makeup I wear is not genetic. Can Bush still discriminate against me?

/Ali G moment

At 7:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW!!! So many responses hey MT? Lucky you...and ya I'm not a part of the Sanitaion Crew anymore...haha...long story that you might have missed but it's on yesterday's post...ya.so new things ahead..we'll see soon.

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

Just noticed your cauliflower summary and was so excited to see it. One of my best friends is responsible for that work actually. You know you're a dork/nerd when your claim to fame is knowing the person who does cauliflower and carotenoid research. I will take what I can get though. She not only has beautiful orange cauliflower, but she also works on purple cauliflower. She has a beautiful greenhouse as you may imagine.


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